Responsive Design

Cocochoco’s clients predominately, some 80% use their mobile devices to visit the site and place orders. The site being able to work with all devices was paramount.

Web Design & Development

Our client wanted a clean professional design. They did not want to look like a traditional shop because their services are much more than just selling products.


We used WooCommerce because it’s easy to use and reliable. We set up all the products for our client and ensured everything was working in the background.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media is primary for these types of businesses because their clients mostly hang out on Instagram and Facebook. Our focus was to create social media pages that stand out from the competition.


WordPress and WooCommerce are the main technologies. We have integrated HubSpot so we can track where all the visitors are going and engage with them. HubSpot also allows us to send email marketing news letters for upcoming and current offers and discounts.

Days of Work


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Morbi vulputate tempor dui egestas commodo. Donec cursus scelerisque eleifend. Sed pretium vitae tortor tempor vulputate. Praesent quis tincidunt justo, ut ullamcorper urna. Aenean non purus in lorem vehicula ornare ut vel justo.

  • Praesent quis tincidunt justo, ut ullamcorper urna.
  • Aliquam ex sem, iaculis at interdum non, bibendum non est.
  • Sed elementum, nulla eu varius fermentum, nibh tortor condimentum lacus, at volutpat neque mauris et leo.
  • Lorem aculis at interdum non, bibendum non est!
  • Мarius fermentum, nibh tortor condimentum lacus, at volutpat neque mauris.